Publishing Design / Task 3B E-Book

25 / 11 / 2024 — 22 / 12 / 2024 (Week 11 — Week 13)

Kim Seoyoon / 0357755

GCD 61404 / Publishing Design / Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University

Task 3B / E-BOOK 








Module Information Booklet

Task 3(B) – E-Book (15%)

Timeframe: Week 10 – Week 13 (Deadline Week 13)

Submission Requirements:

  1. Instructions - attach MIB
  2. Layout inspiration - attach your references and ideation
  3. Complete thumbnail layout - attach pdf and jpeg
  4. Final Brand Guideline, PDF Interactive 
  5. Final Brand Guideline, JPEG - attach jpeg
  6. Feedback - from lecturer
  7. Reflection writing - write about your experience, observation and findings


Week 10 / Visual References & Initial Layout 

Layout Inspiration

Fig 1.1 Visual References

These are some of the visual references that inspired my brand guideline design. 

Below is my initial layout design of the brand guideline for my brand "Music Box.". The design of the contents page is inspired by the retro diner menu as my brand's initial idea of a music truck was derived from a food truck. The dot pattern was also derived from the two eyes of Music Box.'s logo. 

Fig 1.2 Initial Layout Design & Grid, Week 10

Week 11 / Brand Guideline Design Drafts & Adjustments

In week 11, my Brand Corporate Identity lecturer, Ms Lilian commented that the overall design of my draft seems too corporate which does not reflect my brand's identity. She suggested adding more quirkiness to my design by changing the font or utilizing more brand patterns in the design. 

She also advised me not to place the application photos of my brand in the earlier pages before introducing Chapter 3 (Application) as it might interrupt the fresh first impression of these application photos. 

Below is my design for brand guidelines (Draft 1):

Fig 1.3 Brand Guideline Draft 1, Week 11

I acknowledged that my designs heavily lack visual aspects such as photos placed by side as an example of my brand. To improve this, I went to Pixabay for visual examples to put next to my content in the first chapter. 

Fig 1.4 Visuals, Week 11

Navigation Redesign
For navigation, I wanted to add a visual element that reflects the idea of a truck or a music box. At first, I placed the navigations horizontally at the top of the page, but it made it seem that there was too much information cramped up at the top area, so I moved the navigations to the bottom right corner to separate the navigation and contents area. I also utilized the dotted line to create a partial frame onto the visual example to add more fun to the overall design. The two eyes on the top right were added as buttons for the next/ previous page. 

Changes to the header font were also made from Gill Sans Bold Condensed (Uppercase) to Gill Sans Bold Extra Display (Sentence Case) to reduce the feeling of corporate and stiffness. 

For the navigation to be utilized more easily, I used bold font to indicate the current chapter. 

Fig 1.5 Navigation before and after, Week 11

Landing Page Redesign

Fig 1.6 Truck Illustration on Adobe Illustrator Week 11

Fig 1.7 Chapter landing page redesign before and after, Week 11

Instead of using the truck element on the navigation, I decided to use it for my chapter landing pages where it indicates the chapter name and its contents. I used Adobe Illustrator to create the truck silhouettes and used the vinyl element as wheels which was extracted from my logo. 

Application Photos
I fixed the error I made from a previous task where I misplaced a few of other elements onto the logo on the truck application:

Fig 1.8 Truck Application (Environmental Graphics), Week 11

Fig 1.9 Digital Presence Mockup Applications, Week 11

I realized I had not created the mockup applications for digital presence (Instagram and website) in the previous task, so I made new versions of these applications using Adobe Photoshop to put in my brand guidelines.

Week 12 / Final Check & Updates

Week 12 was our final week before the submission of Task 4. Below is the final layout draft design for my brand guideline (with text filler). 

Fig 2.1 Brand Guideline Design Draft 2, Week 12

After getting confirmation and feedback from my draft version 2, I filled in the description for each content and also finalized the navigation links. The final version was then uploaded to the InDesign server to be viewed with working navigation and buttons.

Fig 2.2 Final Version of Brand Guideline for Music Box., Week 12

Fig 2.3 Music Box. Brand Guideline on InDesign Viewer, Week 12


1. Complete Thumbnail Layout

Fig 3.1 Complete Thumbnail Layout (JPEG), Week 13

Fig 3.2 Complete Thumbnail Layout (PDF), Week 13

Final Brand Guideline (InDesign Viewer & PDF)

Fig 3.3 Final Brand Guideline (PDF), Week 13

*Document is best viewed downloaded and on Google Chrome.*

Final Brand Guideline (JPEG)

Fig 3.3 Music Box. Brand Guideline (JPEG), Week 12


Week 12
  • Overall, the composition looks good to go, just make sure to keep the details on the navigation such as creating a bigger textbox so that it's easier to click, and xy position of the navigation on every page (some pages have placement errors).
  • Make sure the first cover page and the breaking page both have buttons on the page itself so that it is easier to navigate just by clicking. 


My overall experience of completing this task was insightful. I got to visualize and present the brand I have been building in the past tasks from the module on Brand corporate Identity. By doing this, I had a chance to explore different design styles and how my brand can be seen more effectively and appeal to viewers. It was also my first time creating an interactive document where there are navigations that link one page to another. 

Making sure the overall design of this brand guideline matches my brand well was also one of the challenges I faced while completing this task. I started off with something more of a simple and stiff design, but from some experiments with different styles, I was able to come up with a design that brings up my brand's identity and reflects how I want my brand to be seen. Comparing those layout samples was also important to ensure the overall experience of the flow of reading and both the visual comprehension does not seem so repeated. 

While making sure that there is more variety when placing these contents according to the chapter, I learned that keeping my brand's visual identity coherent was also crucial as overdoing the action of inconsistent variety could cause a break in the flow of the reading experience. Keeping these two balanced was one of the key point to be focused on while completing this task. 
