Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Task 1 Exercises

25/09/2023- 16/10/2023 (Week 01 — Week 04)

Kim Seoyoon/ 0357755

COM 61304/ Illustration and Visual Narrative/ Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media / Taylor's University 

Task 1/ Weekly Exercises 


Week 01: Information

Week 02: Vormator Shapes

Week 03: Light and Shadows

Week 04: Colours and Blending Mode


Task 1—Exercises (20%)

Timeframe: Week 01- Week 04 (Deadline Week 04)

Weekly Exercises 

Week 01: The Bezier Game

In Week 01, we were instructed to practice our pen tool skills on The Bezier Game website.

Fig 1.1 Bezier Game, Week 1 (25/09/2023)

Fig 1.2 One of Bezier Game Stage, Week 1 (25/09/2023)

Fig 1.3 Bezier Game Score, Week 1 (25/09/2023)

Week 02: Vormator Challenge

In week 2, Mr. Hafiz introduced us to Vormator Shapes and how we can trace them on Adobe Illustrator using:
  • Pen Tool
  • Direct Selection Too
  • Curvature Tool
Below shows my outcome of the Vormator Shapes tracing exercise:

Fig 2.1 Vormator Shape Tracing, Week 2 (2/10/2023)

After tracing vormator shapes, we were instructed to create a vormator character using the shapes we traced in the previous exercise. Mr. Hafiz also allowed us to use 3 different ranges of colours for more variety of characters. 

Initially, I used 3 different grey tone shades (black, white, and grey) for my character, however, I thought I should apply some colours for a later exercise which is to create a customized Pokémon card using the character that we have created along with a suitable background composed using Adobe Illustrator. 

Below shows the progression of my Vormator character development:

Fig 2.2 Vormator Character 1 (PDF), Week 2 (2/10/2023)

I created another Vormator character as I thought my first version's overall form was too stiff. The overall character design concept is similar, just some changes in the appearance.

Fig 2.3 Vormator Character 2 Version 1, Week 2 (2/10/2023)

After deciding that I should use character No.2 for further progress of this task, I began applying shadows and gradients to reduce the flatness of its appearance.

Fig 2.4 Vormator Character 2 Final Version (PDF), Week 2 (2/10/2023)

Fig 2.5 Background Illustration, Week 2 (2/10/2023)

Fig 2.6 Vormator Full Illustration, Week 2 (2/10/2023)

Fig 2.7 Pokemon Card Final (JPG), Week 2 (2/10/2023)

Week 03: Light and Shadow—Chiaroscuro

In week 3, Mr. Hafiz introduced us to Chiaroscuro and how we can express the relationship between light and shadow using various tools on Adobe Illustrator which includes:
  • Pathfinder
  • Shape Builder
  • Knife Tool
The first exercise we did was to trace the outline of a pear from the photo provided by Mr. Hafiz using a Pen tool We also traced the outline of the shadow using the Pencil tool and joined two elements (pear and shadow outlines) using a Divide Pathfinder tool. After that, we applied suitable colours to the pear. 

Fig 3.1 Chiaroscuro Base Image, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Fig 3.2 Chiaroscuro, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Mr. Hafiz also introduced us to the Knife tool where we cut the pear into four pieces and added different colours to each piece. 

Fig 3.3 Chiaroscuro, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

The last task of this week was to apply the tracing of a skull onto the pear using the tools that we learned from this week. 

Mr. Hafiz suggested that we are allowed to use other skull images online as the base image for skull tracing, so I got one from Pinterest.

I chose purple and green as the colours of this exercise as they are complementary colours which creates a bigger contrast between each other. 

Fig 3.4 Skull Base Image from Pinterest, Week 3 (9/10/2023)

Fig 3.5 Skull Tracing Chiaroscuro, Week 3 (9/10/2023) 

Fig 3.6 Chiaroscuro Final Outcome, Week 3 (9/10/2023) 

Week 04: Colours and Blending Mode

In week 4, we learned about the use of blending mode and clipping modes in Adobe Illustrator.

For this week's exercise, we were given a photo to trace the silhouette of the person using the Pen and Pencil Tools. Initially, we began with two simple shades (black and white), and later on, we were allowed to apply different colours to the person.

Fig 4.1 Silhouette Tracing, Week 4 (16/10/2023) 

After the tracing exercise, we were instructed to use a clipping mask and apply textures on the shadow of the person. 

I used two different complementary colour schemes which are yellow/ blue and cyan/red.

Fig 4.2 Clipping Mask and Blending Mode, Week 4 (16/10/2023) 

Below is my final outcome of Week 4's exercise:

Fig 4.3 Blending Mode Outcome (JPG), Week 4 (16/10/2023) 

Fig 4.4 Blending Mode Final Outcome (PDF), Week 4 (16/10/2023) 
